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AFRU December Newletter

December 2022 Newsletter

Dear Supporters, Friends, and Parents,

I would like to wish you all a happy holiday season. It is hard to believe another year has passed and we are on to 2023. Reichman University continues to expand with the Dina Recanati Medical School, the Drahi Innovation Center, the Daniel Jusidman International Conference Hall, the Scojen Institute of Synthetic biology, and the Ronson Dormitory building to be completed next year. All of these projects are made possible because of our dedicated supporters. We are blessed to have people that understand and believe in the Zionist vision of Reichman University. As you close out the year, please remember that we are always in great need of scholarship funds for our students as well as our Jewish life activities on campus. These activities include last month’s student delegation to Poland, see more below. This trip wouldn’t be possible without supporters’ generosity. Wishing you all our friends a Chag Chanukah Sameach, and if you are in Israel, you are invited to attend our candle-lighting ceremony on campus on December 22nd. Please enjoy our last newsletter of 2022. Warmest Wishes,

Leslie Skyba Executive Director American Friends of Reichman University


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