November 2018

My name is Or Greenwald’s and I am a third year Israel Fellow for the Jewish Agency For Israel and this is my first as Director of Jewish Life, Broward County. For the Hillel of Broward and Palm Beach. I am the to-go person for Jewish life at Nova Southeastern University and Broward College.
Or is passionate about Jewish life and helping college students form a substantive relationship with Israel through personal engagement and educational activities. During his military service, Or served in a special unit in the Israeli Navy for three years and was released from the Navy with a certificate of excellence for his service. After the navy, he went on to study Economics and Sustainability at the Inter-Disciplinary Center in Herzeliya (IDC) and was part of the excellence program, “Economic Clinique” which helps under-privileged youth and adults become financially independent. In addition or was an Alpha Epsilon Pie Fraternity Vice-president and was highly involved in Hillel@IDC During his senior year, Or was a project facilitator for a Jewish start-up company named World Jewish Heritage, which is a non-profit which shares and preserves the rich Jewish Heritage in major cities in Europe. In his free time, he loves beach activities such as diving or surfing, but is also likely to be found reading a book in the shade underneath a palm tree.
IDC for me is a hub and accelerator when people from all backgrounds come and share their ideas and learn from the best teachers in their field. IDC supported my personal wants and needs and gave me the platform to initiate my own programs, and thanks to the great professors that were always there for a conversation or advice thru the Student Union who supported every student idea and worked 24/7 on our behalf. One of my favorite things about the IDC was the diversity, Jews, Muslims and Christians from so many states and countries in the world, Asia to south America and Africa. Although Israeli, IDC was my home for 3 and something years and it was the a great decision I made. I am thankful for the friendships I made from classmates to professors and mentors.