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Alumnus of the Month

September 2018

Stevie Weinberg is the Director of Operations at the International Institute for Counter terrorism (ICT) at IDC Herzliya. At the ICT, Weinberg directs the World Summit on Counter-Terrorism which ended just a few days ago, and where Stevie received a congressional citation from Congressman, Peter King from New York State! Stevie also manages various large-scale projects for private and public customers - including grants from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Program (with more than 30 partners from academia, business and law enforcement agencies). He leads several initiatives at the Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy including serving as the first Director of the Shadow Government Program which parallels the actual government and monitors its activities, with students acting as Knesset members and ministers under the guidance of former ministers, member of parliaments and experts.

Stevie lives in Tel-Aviv with his wife Tai and their two boys Yoni and Tom.

"IDC for me is home - a place where not only I grow professionally and personally under the mentorship of Prof. Boaz Ganor - but even more so, the place where I met Tai during my studies twelve years ago as a freshman at the Lauder School of Government."

Shana Tova!



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